Omnichannel personalisation

based on behavioural archetypes

CORECTIC helps top marketers across different business verticals (Finance, Telco, Automotive, Pharma & others) significantly overachieve their KPIs from digital operations, all based on your behavioural 1st party data only !

Let us bring colour, emotion and personality to your campaigns. We deliver better customer experience and measurable impact.


The problem
Conventional predictive and segmentation models don't recognise and consider human emotions, impulses and empathy. We help you create compelling multi-channel content that resonates with your users on an emotional level and brings you higher results based on unique interpretation of your customer data and ability to discover customer attitudes, values and beliefs.
Our Approach
CORECTIC brings a SaaS plug-in based solution for omnichannel sales and marketing personalization based on behavioral C-O-R-E archetypes and on 1st party data without restrictions. Methodology implemented into technology.


Discover critical customer behavioural triggers with CORE. Campaigns must bring added value and opportunities to the customer to help them make the right decision.​


We provide you with a plug-in solution to segment your customers and enable omnichannel sales and marketing personalization based on behavioural CORE archetypes.​


We enable you to create marketing content that correctly corresponds with the right CORE profile, using the best channel, timing, and frequency for optimised results. 

Our engine splits customers into 4 segments based on transactional data specific to industry

Every communication or campaign with the customer is created in 4 different versions according to our methodology

Communication personalised and designed by archetype preferences are perceived as more intimate and attractive by customers

What CORECTIC gives you

Drive Sales

We help to sell more through personalized content, increased frequency of communication, decreased churn and by suggesting the right channel. And we're not talking about single digit increase here.

Improve Campaign Metrics

Personalized content (copy, images, CTAs) increases open rates, click-throughs and decreases bounce. It work across channels - it works even in situations when every character counts like push or SMS. It works even better in content rich channels like web and email.

Increase Satisfaction & Decrease Churn and Unsubsribes

Did you know that there is a group of people extremely sensitive to relevancy and frequency of unsolicited communication? We can spot them.

Pick the Right Channel

There are people who can be served completely digitally. Without impact to customer satisfaction. 

Reduce load on Call Centres and Sales Reps

There are also people who won't buy online without human assistance. We can identify these people so that you can focus.

Increase Frequency

We will tell you who is extremely sensitive to relevancy and frequency. We will also tell you who will accept much higher frequency of communication. As a result, you will be able to significantly increase the communication frequency.


Simple way to Start with our Piloting Package

  • We Discuss Your Needs

    During a two-hour workshop we will identify where we can help best and bring biggest value. We will help pick 3 campaigns/communications to be executed using Corectic

  • We Enhance Three of Your Campaigns

    No IT integration, no traninings, no efforts on your side. You give us your version of campaign and anonymised CRM Data. We give you 4 segments and 4 versions of campaign. We run the campaign side-by-side with your original version.

  • You Decide

    Based on the outcomes, we will suggest the best option and you decide if our service will be integrated into your ecosystem.

After the pilot

We'll integrate the solution into your ecosystem and train your marketing and sales teams, and help you engage better with your customers.